Category: Uncategorized
Love and Boundaries: Emotional Abuse
The Power of Wheel: The Emotional Abuse Check out our postcast if you want to listen to the following article: We are all living in the midst of a life story, which is entirely centered around relationships. Every decision we make is influenced by a different scenario. Studies have shown that we make approximately…
Power and Control Wheel
Power and Control Wheel: The Vicious Circle of Abuse I vividly recall when the ‘Amazing Spider-Man’ was released all over the cinemas. It came as no surprise that the fans watched it on repeat mode. The Peter Parker principle, ‘with great power comes great responsibility’ became the talk of the town. However, who knew the…
Love and Boundaries: Financial Abuse
Love and Boundaries: Financial Abuse Photographer: Sydney Sims “Hello, I am Elia, I’m the social worker from the Ministry of Children Development. May I ask if you and your spouse are currently at home? Have any members of your family come into contact with Covid? The authorities and I will be visiting your property in…